In the spirit of celebration, Emerald High School ended the year with a recount of her achievements in the 2021/2022 academic session despite the haphazard events that trailed the education sector. The School held its annual end of the year program themed “Alleluia Christmas” on Thursday 16th December 2021 at its premises in Emerald Valley, Mowe, Ogun state.
During the principal’s welcome address, Dr Paul Esemuze, described the ceremony as a religious program to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. In his words, “Christ is the reason for the season”.
In consonant with the principal’s assertion, the director, Mrs Edna Obaze ascribed this year’s celebration to mean “advent” which is the preparation to love, sharing and giving” She advised parents to teach their children to love, to share and to learn the act of giving.
The director verbally chronicles the school’s achievements in this session, stating that one of their teachers, Mr Ogunleye Oluwasanjo Samuel, emerged as the best teacher in Nigeria, winning the President’s Teachers and Schools Excellence Award (PTSEA). Also, one of the students, Miss Agoro, came first in a Spelling Bee competition for the senior school category.
She shared her excitement about the good grades the students of Emerald High School made in WAEC.
The director expressed her sadness over the sensational bullying issue that engulfed the education sector in recent times. In her words, “this year has been a year of anguish, bitterness and depression”. She stated that a general meeting was held with the students and staff against bullying to speak with them about the menace of bullying. She advised parents to speak to their children against bullying and further noted that the school does not tolerate bullying.
Other delightful activities proceeding the director’s speech were the presentation by the school band, the choir presentation (first and second reading) and the performance of the students on the birth, death and the rising of Christ.
While giving the vote of thanks, the school administrator, Mr Femi Apata said “A school is a melting point of talents. It was awesome seeing the students’ performances. We can’t give up on them until we see them going places”.