One of the fundamental skills a child needs to learn is how to develop a good reading culture; Of course, parents who intend to raise a successful child must at some point encourage the child to inculcate the habit of reading.
Reading to add new knowledge helps improve on the social and cognitive reasoning of the child. Helping children learn how to read and consistently love the act is the duty of both the parents and the school.
Here Are Some Tips on How to Help Your Kids Develop Good Reading Habit:
- Make reading a daily habit.
From the day your newborn comes home, you can start raising a reader. Babies respond to the soothing rhythm of a voice reading aloud, as well as to being cuddled on a warm lap. If you make reading part of your daily routine, your child is likely to grow up looking forward to it.
- Read in front of your Kids
Reading in front of your kids is really important because it goes a long way in affecting their actions, Kids learn from what they observe. Let your child see you reading, if they see you excited about reading, your kids will likely follow your footsteps.
- Create a reading space.
Creating a reading space will make reading in the family very organized, your reading space doesn’t have to be big or have a lot of bookshelves. It can be a corner of the couch or a chair in the room where your child sleeps. Picking a comfy spot that has enough light and room to keep a book or two can help your child connect reading with coziness and comfort.
- Take trips to the library.
The library is a great place to explore new books and authors for free. Many libraries also have story hours or other literacy programs for kids. Trips to the library give your child a chance to develop good reading habits and to see other kids doing the same thing.
- Let your child pick what to read.
That trip to the library can be extra special when you give your child time to look around and explore. Kids are more likely to want to read something they pick out themselves. If you’re concerned about finding the right reading level or topic, give your child a section of books to choose from.
- Find a reading moments for your kids aside reading books
A lot of people think Reading is all about sitting down with a good book. aside reading books,kids can read other things not in a book e.g. reading road signs, adverts on billboards, grocery lists, or recipes. Etc.