Meet Muhammad Kaumi Bashir, a talented Nigerian 11-year-old student of Al-Ansar Academy who has made a mini-generator working without fuel.
Muhammad who hailed from Bornu State, Northern Nigeria was reported to be a first-year student in High school. Being a very inquisitive and brilliant young boy, he decided to fabricate the mini-generator to pursue his dream of becoming an Electrical Engineer.
His invention was able to power light bulbs and could be expanded. According to Bashir’s mother, Mallama Yakaka Kaumi, her son started displaying his creative talent in electronic and mechanical fabrications, right from the tender age of five.
“His life has so far been about inventing and repairing electronic appliances,” she said.
On his part, the young inventor reveals, that his dream is to be an electrical engineer who will help tackle the power problem, the country has been battling with for years. Bashir explained that he fabricated his generator to provide ‘light’ to their house.
Bashir explained that he fabricated his generator to provide ‘light’ to their house.
“Since Maiduguri has been having electricity problem for over two years now, and my father cannot afford to install a solar, I decided to manufacture this my generator that does not use petrol, and can power light bulbs,” he said.
It was gathered that items used by Bashir to fabricate his mini-generator include two capacitors, a wire, light bulbs, a fan metal hook, among others.
Source: Scholars Region