one of the lucky Chibok Girls, Joy Bishara who survived the terrifying attack and kidnap by Boko Haram, recently celebrated her graduation from Southeastern University in the United States.
She posted on her Facebook account to officially announce her graduation from Southeastern University, she expressed deep appreciation and gratitude to God for seeing her through her program.
She wrote, “It is official!!! You are looking at your latest graduate!!! Glory be to God.
Joy bagged a degree in Social Work (BSW) after successfully undergoing a four-year program in the university. As a social worker, she will be using her skills and knowledge to improve the lives of people through counselling and rendering psychosocial assistance.
See photos from her graduation.
Some of her followers have taken to her Facebook page to celebrate her graduating from the University after what she passed through at Chibok. Her life is a loving testimony of God’s grace.