is Coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are zoonotic, which means that they
are spread to humans from animals. Investigations that have been carried out on
this virus have revealed that several known coronaviruses are circulating in
animals that have not infected humans. amongst this category is where
SARS-COV  comes in which was gotten from
cats to humans and also MERS-COV which was gotten from camels. Although it is
still unsure where COVID-19 began its spread from, experts
are quite sure that it was passed from animal to human.

Coronavirus is a very
mild illness for the majority of people infected, the majority of those people
with serious infections or who have died are elderly and with comorbidities
such as asthma, diabetes, cancer or cardiac or renal disease. This is largely a
pneumonia-type of illness, so people with respiratory illnesses need to be

is Coronavirus transmitted?

There is only one thing you need to understand about
how a coronavirus spreads. According
to WHO, airborne spread has not been reported for Covid-19 and it is not
believed to be a major driver of transmission based on available evidence.
It spreads when there are droplets from the eyes, nose, mouth and other
organs/areas of the body that generate or store up fluid.

When you spot someone who is visibly coughing,
sneezing or sick, you should keep your distance. Make sure you are 0.5 – 2 metres
away from the subject. That will keep you safe from large droplets. Or you can
also give them a mask; they can cough or sneeze into it and protect everyone nearby.

It is a good idea to avoid crowds because you don’t
know who might be sick. People who are infected can show no symptoms but are
still infectious.

However, sometimes a sick person’s saliva can get on
other things like:

  • Their hands
  • Doorknobs
  • Train straps
  • Bus straps
  • Pens
  • Digital Devices
  • Tissue
  • Lift buttons
  • Cups
  • Chopsticks
  • Stair Bannisters

Viruses are stubborn and can last up to 24 hours on surfaces
and objects. The only effective way to get rid of them is to wash them off with
soap. If you touch any of these things by accident, and you touch your face – rub
your eyes, or loved ones face – you might all fall sick.

As WHO states,
if you are not in an area where Covid-19 is spreading, or have not travelled
from an area where Covid-19 is spreading, or have not been in contact with an
infected patient, your risk of infection is low. There would be no need, then
for panic or other extreme measures.

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