We need quality education in Nigeria 

Schoolgirl reading at her desk in elementary school lesson

There are some potent unions that have been fighting for quality education in Nigeria. But our successive governments have not accorded priority to the sector. As a result, the country’s education system suffers from many deformities and deliberate neglect.

It is disheartening to see the lack of priority given to education by the Nigerian government, and the detrimental impact it has on the country’s education system.

Education plays a crucial role in shaping the future of a nation, empowering its citizens, and driving economic growth.

Remember, without adequate investment and attention, the education system suffers, leading to a decline in quality, limited resources, and unequal access to education for many.

It is essential for the government to recognise the importance of education and allocate the necessary resources to improve infrastructure, teacher training, and curriculum development.

By prioritizing education, Nigeria can pave the way for a brighter future, where every child has the opportunity to learn, grow, and contribute to the nation’s development.


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