Today’s Children, Parents, And The Standardized Testing Syndrome, Signs Of A Flawed System

“My son came first in his class exams in the last term.” “My daughter got all A’s in her external examination.” These statements, and many more like these, are common amongst parents wanting to brag about their ‘smart’ children. A parent’s inability to brag about their children in this manner would mean that the said children are ‘dull’, or so it would seem. Standardized tests and its subsequent grading administered in schools provide, in effect, a measure of a child’s level of intelligence. But is this always accurate?

Standardized tests have, for a long time, provided a means for educators to assess learners’ capabilities, and the use of this method is widely used worldwide. However, this is often detrimental to the students. Some of the problems with this approach are explained below:

Because students have to be assessed, alternatives to standardized testing can be considered. Anya Kamenetz, a lead educational blogger, and the famed author outlines some alternatives. These include stealth assessments, inspections, low-stakes testing, adaptive testing, multiple measures and so on. These, if employed, might help to give an accurate representation of a student’s performance while boosting it.

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