NBTE Launches Nigerian Polytechnics Foundation Council to Transform Polytechnic Education

On Thursday, the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) inaugurated the Nigerian Polytechnics Foundation Council and dissolved the existing steering committee.

In his inaugural speech, NBTE executive secretary Idris Bugaje said NIPOF was designed to address the pressing challenges facing polytechnics in Nigeria.

Mr Bugaje said its mission was to advance the institutions to meet global standards of excellence in education, innovation, and research. He emphasised that the world was rapidly evolving, stating that education must adapt to meet the needs of the 21st century, making the NIPOF’s role pivotal.

Mr Bugaje explained that the NIPOF’s function was to initiate and revitalise polytechnic education by fostering academic innovation. It will also strengthen institutional capacity, promote industry collaboration, and facilitate international partnerships and collaboration.

Through efforts of the NIPOF’s council, he said, NBTE aimed to transform polytechnic education nationwide. This is to ensure that graduates are equipped with the technical skills required for Nigeria’s industrialisation and possess the global competencies needed to thrive in the international labour market.

Mr Bugaje said the idea of setting up the foundation came from one Monday Makhuoga.

Mr Makhuoga had served as a training consultant to NBTE for many years and attempted to arrange equipment donations from the USA.

To ensure the success of NIPOF, the NBTE boss called on all polytechnics to support the foundation, especially for take-off.

Chairman of NIPOF, Ahmed Abdullahi, said Nigerian polytechnics lacked adequate equipment. He said his leadership of the council would ensure both private and public polytechnics benefit from equipment, adding that they would expand the membership of NIPOF in the diaspora.


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