INTERVIEW: “My unwavering faith in God and belief in myself led to this academic excellence” — Covenant University Best Engineering Graduate, Oyakhire Halima

Oyakhire Halima Sadia is a trailblazer from the Department of Petroleum Engineering at Covenant University. In the 2023/2024 academic session, she achieved an extraordinary feat by graduating as the best student in her department, boasting a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 4.91.

Her relentless pursuit of excellence in petroleum engineering earned her a first-class degree, two prestigious awards, and a cash prize of N150,000 from the university’s alumni investiture.

In this exclusive interview with Akeem Alao, Oyakhire Halima Sadia delves into the strategies and dedication that led to her academic excellence. She also shares valuable insights and advice that aspiring students can apply to their own educational journeys.

Could you please introduce yourself?

My name is Oyakhire Halima Sadia. I am a 21-year-old graduate from Covenant University, where I completed my studies in Petroleum Engineering. It has been a transformative journey, and I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead.

What’s your course of study?

I pursued a degree in Petroleum Engineering. This field has always fascinated me, particularly its impact on energy solutions and sustainability. My academic journey in this discipline has been both challenging and rewarding.

Could you share with us the secret of your academic excellence?

The secret to my academic excellence lies in my unwavering faith in God and belief in myself. This mindset has been instrumental in helping me persevere through challenging times. I have always focused on the bigger picture, understanding that the effort I put in now will be worthwhile in the end.

Could you tell us about some of your most significant academic achievements during your studies and any challenges you faced while maintaining your first-class status?

One of my notable academic achievements was the publication of my first article, which was based on my final-year project. This accomplishment was a source of immense pride, especially considering the challenges I faced in balancing my leadership roles with academic responsibilities. The journey was demanding, but it taught me valuable lessons in time management and perseverance.

Describe a research project or major assignment you completed during your degree. What was your role, and how did you contribute to its success?

My final-year project, titled “A Review of Natural Gas Utilization in Nigeria: A Comparative Study Using Aspen,” was a pivotal experience. This project was subsequently published as an article and presented at the ICEBE Conference 2024. My interest in natural gas was piqued during my Siwes internship, leading me to explore Nigeria’s abundant natural gas resources to address the country’s energy challenges. I emphasized the need for sustainable energy solutions, highlighting my passion for improving energy efficiency and reliability in Nigeria.

How did you manage your time effectively to balance coursework, projects, and any extracurricular activities to achieve a first-class degree?

Time management was crucial in achieving my first-class degree. I maintained a structured schedule, prioritizing studying at night when I was less likely to be disturbed. By starting coursework and assignments immediately upon receiving them, I ensured timely completion, allowing me to balance academics with social life and extracurricular activities.

Could you provide an example of a complex problem you encountered during your studies and how you approached solving it?

During my third year, I faced a particularly demanding course that required extensive focus and effort. To overcome this challenge, I dedicated a week to overnight study sessions, solving past questions, seeking assistance from peers, and utilizing online resources. This thorough preparation ultimately led to success in the exam, reinforcing the importance of diligence and resourcefulness.

In what ways did your family support or influence your academic journey, and how did it impact your ability to maintain a first-class standing?

I am incredibly grateful for the support of my family. My parents and brothers have been my greatest advocates, providing unwavering encouragement and motivation. Their belief in my abilities has been instrumental in my academic journey, enabling me to maintain a first-class standing with confidence and resilience.

What are your post-graduation goals? How do you see your first-class academic background contributing to achieving these goals?

My post-graduation goal is to enhance my impact within the energy sector and contribute positively to the broader world. This recent academic achievement represents a significant step toward realizing this ambition. My first-class background in Petroleum Engineering has equipped me with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to pursue opportunities that align with my passion for sustainable energy solutions.

What is your advice to all undergraduates who aspire to achieve a first-class?

To undergraduates aspiring to achieve a first-class degree, I advise them to always believe in themselves and commit to hard work. Do not be discouraged by setbacks; instead, view them as learning experiences. Continue to push forward and support your peers, as collaboration often leads to mutual growth. Trust in God, and remember that perseverance and dedication will lead to success.

What can you say about your alma mater?

Covenant University is an exceptional institution that fosters the mental, physical, emotional, and academic development of its students. It has shaped me into a transformational leader with a “can do” mentality and a drive for excellence. Covenant University is truly the birthplace of greatness, and I am proud to be an alumna.

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