Guide to Raising Healthy Children

We need to know that children need proper nutrients to stay healthy and strong.  Healthy food is essential to the development of a child, Children who consume food with good nutrients are in most cases very productive because good food makes the brain stay sharp.

Parents need to teach their children the importance of good nutrition and help them establish healthy eating habits because the more they understand, the more excited they will be about eating healthy.

Knowing the basics of nutrition and its value for your children can help establish a foundation for nutritional knowledge that they can apply throughout life.

Here are some Basic Nutrients for your Children

• Carbohydrates

It assists the body to build and repair tissue. e.g. bread, cereals, rice, crackers, pasta, Etc.

• Calcium

Calcium is essential in helping to build a child’s healthy bones and teeth, also important for blood clotting and nerve, muscle, and heart function. e.g. milk, cheeses, yoghurt, egg yolk, Etc.

• Protein

Protein helps the body break down food into energy, build cells, fight infection, and carry oxygen. e.g. meat, fish, beans, egg, Etc.

• Vitamin C

Vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels, helps the body heal wounds, holds the body’s cells together and also assist the body in building strong bones and teeth. E.g. Citrus fruits, strawberries, melons, cabbage, Etc.

• Fats

Fats are a source of energy for children and are easily stored in the body, they help the body to properly use some of the other nutrients it needs. E.g. Milk, cooking oil, nuts, etc.

• Vitamin A

Vitamin A helps in body growth, assists the eyes in adjusting to dim and bright lights, keeps skin healthy, serves a variety of purposes in kids and adults and it also works to prevent infection. E.g. Carrots, sweet potatoes, etc

• Iron

Iron is vital for a child to build healthy blood that carries oxygen to cells all over the body. E.g. liver, poultry, shellfish, grains, etc.

Below are some Nutrition Tips for your Children

• Make sure your child gets a good variety of fruits and vegetables

•  Food is not the only important thing, let them drink enough water and low-fat milk instead of sugary drinks.

• Half of your child plate should be fruits and vegetables.

• Choose fresh foods over highly processed foods.

Benefits of Proper Nutrition

1.  Protects against malnourishment

2. It helps to prevent obesity

3. It boosts and maintains their immune system.

4. It gives children the energy to live life to the full.

5. It assists in reducing the risk of chronic disease.

Every parent should know that poor nutrition affects the quality of the life of children and also their potential to benefit from education.

Please Note: Nutrients are essential, but portion size matters too because the benefits of good nutrition go beyond gaining weight.

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