FUTA Alumnus Wins Unity Bank Entrepreneurship Competition at NYSC Camp

John Akinloye, an alumnus of the Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA), has won the Unity Bank Entrepreneurship Competition held at the NYSC Orientation Camp in Cross River State.

Akinloye’s groundbreaking business idea stood out among 120 entries submitted by eager corps members, earning him a well-deserved business grant of N800,000 during the grand finale on September 13, 2024.

Reflecting on his journey, John shared his heartfelt sentiments: “One with God is MAJORITY! Thanks be to God, almighty who has given me life and grace. In who I live, walk and have my being.”

John’s journey began just three weeks prior when he arrived at the Cross River State NYSC Orientation Camp, a place he admits wasn’t his first choice. However, embracing the opportunity, he found a silver lining when Unity Bank introduced the Corpreneurship opportunity.

“I told myself, this is your opportunity to pitch that idea,” he recounted.

With determination, John meticulously crafted his business plan, and from over 120 submissions, he emerged among the top ten selected for final presentations. His pitch, which highlighted originality and employability, captivated the judges and secured him the top position. “I presented my pitch the way I could… It was a rigorous one, the selection was done, I won the pitch… came up as the best (first runner up).”

Expressing gratitude to Unity Bank, John said, “On a day like this (13/09/2024) thank you for the great works and support to youth over the years, thank you for giving me the opportunity to stand a chance of winning, I won eventually… With this grant, I will diligently and prudently use it for the purpose it was given (Farming), with time the tree will turn to a forest.”

John also celebrated his fellow contestants and co-winners, emphasizing the collective victory: “This is the beginning, we all win together… We all emerged, and will keep emerging!”

He extended his appreciation to the FUTA community and his lecturers in Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology for their unwavering support, proudly proclaiming, “I’m proud to be a product of the department and the institution at large. GREAT FUTARIAN!”

In his heartfelt acknowledgments, John paid tribute to those who contributed to his success, including God, Unity Bank Plc, GreenTead FARMS NG, and numerous individuals and organizations who played pivotal roles in his journey.

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