Embrace the Seasons of Life: Prepare Today for Tomorrow’s Harvest!

By Coach Yinka

Life comes in all shades and colours.
Life comes in seasons
Each season has its own peculiarities.

Farmers understand the planting season. They know the time to sow the seed, the time to water and nurture and the time to harvest. They prepare ahead to enable them flourish.

My younger brother lives in Canada. It is September but he is already preparing for Winter.Tyres must be changed to winter tyres, heating must be checked, gloves and jackets must be ready. A few months back it was the celebration of the glorious summer months. Before that it was about watching the plants and flowers come alive in spring.

Life comes in seasons.
There will be times of joy, laughter and celebration… Rejoice, be revived , thank God for life.

There will be times of pain, lack, sorrow, sadness etc..pause and thank God and learn the incredible lessons that such times bring .

One thing you must always remember is that every season will pass away. No season has the capacity to last forever but to move successfully into the next season, you must steward the present season by preparing.

What are you doing today that will propel you successfully into the next season.

The duration of the season of life you are in(unlike the natural seasons) may be dependent on what you are doing today.
It calls for personal awareness of where you are .

What are you doing today that you will need to stop doing?
What do you need to begin your do immediately that will usher you into the New season?

May you receive clarity.
Have an amazing week and don’t forget I am rooting for you…Yes You👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Coach Yinka

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