“By the time I reached 400 level, I had qualified as a chartered accountant” — Rohdiyat Bello, First-Class Graduate of Osun State University

This exclusive feature highlights the remarkable journey of Rohdiyat Bello, a first-class graduate from Osun State University.

In an insightful interview with Akeem Alao, Rohdiyat shares her experiences and the strategies that propelled her to academic excellence. She also offers valuable advice to undergraduates aiming to achieve their own goals.

Could you please introduce yourself?

I’m Rohdiyat Bello Olaitan.

What’s your course of study?

I studied Accounting.

Could you share with us the secret of your academic excellence?

The major secrets behind my academic excellence are hard work, determination, and consistency.

Could you tell us about some of your most significant academic achievements during your studies and any challenges you faced while maintaining your first-class status?

Initially, my 100-level results were quite discouraging, but I knew what I wanted and tightened my focus. I aimed to graduate as a chartered accountant. Balancing my academics with professional examinations was challenging, especially when school exams coincided with professional ones. I reminded myself to “worry less and focus more.” By the time I reached my 400-level, I had qualified as a chartered accountant, which I consider one of my significant achievements.

Describe a research project or major assignment you completed during your degree. What was your role, and how did you contribute to its success?

I worked on a research project focused on Corporate Social Responsibility and the financial performance of quoted manufacturing companies in Nigeria, particularly in the cement industry. My role was that of the researcher, where I dedicated my time and effort to ensure the project’s success. I thoroughly reviewed journals and extracted key points to support my research.

How did you manage your time effectively to balance coursework, projects, and any extracurricular activities to achieve a first-class degree?

I created a personal schedule and reading timetable for each semester, which I adhered to strictly. I set benchmarks for myself, dedicating at least 8 to 9 hours on regular school days for coursework and two hours for project work. By my 400-level, I no longer had to prepare for professional exams since I was already qualified.

Could you provide an example of a complex problem you encountered during your studies and how you approached solving it?

One major challenge I faced was the overlap of school and professional examinations. To address this, I drafted separate timetables for each and ensured I covered all syllabi at least a month before exams, leaving the remaining weeks for revision.

In what ways did your family support or influence your academic journey, and how did it impact your ability to maintain a first-class standing?

My family supported me financially, emotionally, and physically. Whenever I needed materials or study guides, they were always there to help. Their constant encouragement was crucial; when I doubted myself, they reminded me of my capabilities, which motivated me throughout my journey.

What is your post-graduation goal? How do you see your first-class academic background contributing to achieving this goal?

My immediate goal is to complete my youth service, preferably in a practicing audit firm, and then pursue my master’s degree. I see my first-class academic achievement as a significant advantage in reaching these goals.

What is your advice to all undergraduates who aspire to achieve First-Class?

First, study in a way that fosters understanding so that the material remains with you even without revisiting your books. Second, believe in yourself regardless of your current class, and put in the necessary effort to reach your goals. Lastly, seize every opportunity to invest in your education while you can; this is your time to shine.

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