Nollywood actor and producer, Yomi Fabiyi has stated that he would hit the streets to lead a protest for the prosecution of comedienne, Princess, and other adults involved in the CCTV that exposed Baba Ijesha.
Baba Ijesha was arrested for allegedly defiling a minor as many celebrities have continued to take to social media to slam him.
Comedienne Princess came out to state her foster child was the girl Baba Ijesha sexually assaulted.
Taking to Instagram, the entertainer revealed after the crash of her marriage, some parents allowed their children, six in number, to come and live with her so she wouldn’t be lonely.
She said while she was harbouring the six children, she was also rendering help to Baba Ijesha.
Princess alleged it was during one of his visits that he molested one of three girls living with her.